Day 3: Remembered for Your Impact
Scripture: Matthew 25:21 (NIV) - "His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’"
True wealth is not measured by what you accumulate but by the impact you make. As I began to study this more and more, I was SHOOK.
Let me share a few things in scripture that WOKE me up.
David was anointed to be King and then sent out to shepherd. However, while he was a shepherd - he upskilled his abilities. When David visited his brothers, he was introduced to Goliath.
Watch this closely.
David had the confidence to ask the questions, and meet with King Saul because he increased his ability. Somewhere in the fields, he mastered the slingshot. He killed a lion and a bear with a slingshot. This brought him confidence, and this ability led him to defeat Goliath.
David did not sit on the sidelines and pray, “Lord, strike down Goliath with a bolt of lightning.” God gave David an ABILITY that he used to INCREASE his wealth and maximize impact.
This got me thinking about Jesus.
When Jesus was preaching to a multitude and they were hungry, what did he do? The disciples asked if they should go to town to buy food. This implies they had enough money to do that.
However, Jesus had an IDEA. He asked, “What do you have?” The disciples told him they had some fish and loaves.
Let’s pause here for a moment and remember that Jesus could have sent Wingstop wings from the sky. Jesus could have made it rain Snickers bars. Jesus could have provided money for everyone to go and eat, but He didn’t.
Jesus had an idea. He used what He had and impacted thousands of people.
Wealthy people are remembered for the ideas they generated and the lives they touched.
Just as Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes, our ideas, when blessed by God, can multiply and feed many (Matthew 14:19-20).
Your legacy will be defined by the ideas you execute and the changes you inspire.
Remember, it is not about the money you save but the lives you touch through the God-given ideas you implement.
Prayer: "Lord, may my life be a reflection of Your glory through the ideas You give me. Let my actions speak of Your wisdom and my legacy be one of love, generosity, and impact. Amen."
Action Step: Identify one way your ideas can serve your community. It could be starting a small project, volunteering your time, or sharing your knowledge with others. Commit to taking the first step today.
If you're a 6-figure entrepreneur feeling stuck, left behind, or frustrated with your current results, you know there’s more for you. You weren’t meant to live an average life—you were called to make an impact, increase your income, and live out your purpose with clarity and freedom. If you're ready to get back on track and build a life you’re truly proud of, message me today, and let's take the next step together.
For daily tips on purpose, income, and impact, follow me on Instagram and start creating the life of freedom and legacy you've always wanted.